Gli eventi migliori che non potete perdere nel 2017
Renowned and elegant tourist resort, Recoaro Mille is the perfect destination for those who want a holiday full of sport, nature, outdoor activities and gastronomy.
There are numerous events that you will not have to miss in this 2017, especially sports events.
Cross-country skiing is, without doubt, the most famous and practiced sport in the area. Even numerous betting websites also allow you to bet on the main ski events taking place in the region.
During the autumn and winter period, the events not to be missed are the numerous cross-country races and snowshoe hikes organized by the region’s pro loco.
In the spring and summer months, instead, snowshoeing is replaced with excursions. Do not miss the exploration of Mount Summano which includes an organized walk up to the “Spianata della Genzianella”.
Still for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, we recommend the “S’passo alla Spaccata” walk. It is, as the name suggests, a walk of about 3 hours during which the participants will cover a distance of about 7 km. The event will be held on April 8th and also includes a dinner in a mountain hut.
Per quanto concerne i principali eventi a carattere artistico, culturale, gastronomico e musicale, da non perdere in questa primavera – estate 2017 è il “Pranzo Africano” organizzato in occasione della Festa del 1 Maggio e volto a sensibilizzare la popolazione verso le tematiche sociali. La partecipazione all’evento ha il costo di 8 € a persona e gli aderenti potranno gustare pietanze tipiche della cucina africana.
Per i più piccoli segnaliamo invece lo spettacolo: “Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie”, organizzato dalla Jar Creative Group.
Lo spettacolo, che avrà carattere interattivo ed itinerante, si terrà dal 29 Aprile al 1 Maggio.
Da non perdere poi i numerosi mercati organizzati soprattutto durante il mese di Giugno.
Among the most anticipated there is the antiques market scheduled for Sunday 4 June and the market of the object used, also planned for the same Sunday.
As far as the food and wine events are concerned, we point out the numerous summer festivals that are held throughout the hinterland of Recoaro Mille and Recoaro Terme, up to the nearby Province of Vicenza.
Among the great protagonists we remember the rice and the local wine which here have a long tradition.
How easy it is to see the events and events not to be missed in Recoaro Mille in 2017 are so many and are suitable to satisfy all tastes and all the different needs.